30-Day Challenge: No Treats Till Christmas

The festive season has arrived and, with it, the double jeopardy of less time to train and more temptations to indulge. It’s little wonder that come January we’re often beating back the battle of the bulge. So here’s a challenge for getting a major head start on those New Year’s resolutions … the No Treats Till Christmas Challenge.


The challenge runs from 25 November to 24 December (30 days) but you can jump in at any stage. The rules are as follows:


Select the vices that are your particular weaknesses. These could be chocolate, fast food, pizza, alcohol—you’ll know the half dozen treats that are your regular or semi-regular guilty pleasures. Name them, right them down, post them on social media for accountability.


The items that you’ve named are the ones you’re going to avoid until Christmas Day (with a couple of exceptions below). Each time you say “no” by letting the plate pass you by or opting out of the dessert, take a quick pic of the thing you’ve given up and post it on social media with the hashtag #notreatstillchristmas.


Each week you’re allowed one cheat day so that you can still enjoy a Christmas function or end of year BBQ without looking like a total party pooper. But for the following six days you’re back on the horse being the Spartan disciplined warrior athlete that you are.


Then, come 25 December, celebrate your hard work and sacrifice with a well-earned meal and desert (or three!) with family and friends.

There you go. The challenge is nice and simple. It’ll keep you disciplined in a tricky time of year and allow you to party all the same.

Use the hashtag #notreatstillchristmas and tell us how you get on!

Happy running.

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